Asian Network of Buddhists for Child Protection

Asian Network of Buddhists for Child Protection

In 2017 an international consultation was convened in Bangkok among Buddhist leaders from the Mekong region and beyond (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar and Sri Lanka). INEB, Arigatou International’s Prayer and Action for Children (Japan) and End Child Prostitution and Trafficking (ECPAT) International hosted this consultation, which focused on the role of faith communities in preventing all forms of violence against children, especially the exploitation of children through the commercial sex industry and online exploitation, as well as in travel and tourism.

This consultation provided Buddhist leaders an opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue with international experts and representatives from secular organizations who are working for children’s welfare by confronting these issues of violence both in the Mekong region and around the world.

INEB’s strategy is to establish an Asian Network of Buddhists for Child Protection within INEB’s core program. Multiple objectives will be used to accomplish the goal. Annual consultations are being held, beginning in Myanmar in 2017 and the second convened in Vietnam in 2018. In-country consultations focus on children’s rights and preventing violence against children. Information and advocacy materials will be developed about preventing violence against children, which will be tailored for Buddhist leaders and available in several Asian languages.


Arigatou International at INEB

Arigatou International visits Mae Sot

Fred Nyabera, Director of Arigatou International’s Interfaith Initiative to Eradicate Child Poverty, alongside Hesha Perera, Manager of the End Child

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