4 Days
Session I: 7-8 September 2024 (Sat, Sun)
Session II: 12-13 October 2024 (Sat, Sun)
“The course is designed to create ethical leaders. By leaders we mean those who source their compassion to produce and an action that changes the world. Its everyday leadership in personal, family, professional sources from a universality where no is left out “
– Mr. S. Ramadorai, Former CEO Tata Consultancy Services, former chairman governing board of Tata Institute of Social Sciences and Padma Bhushan.
We have thousands of people across the world working for social justice. Simultaneously, cultural transformation based on universal values is essential to translate legal measures into reality for each person. Questions are being asked by people concerned with social justice across the world. The answers lie within us.
As Nelson Mandela said, “Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid, it is man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.”
The universal declaration of human rights is based on fundamental universal values and ethics such as equality, justice, dignity and peace. Further, it means that one embodies universal values such as equality and dignity as a foundation for action and be able to hold multiple perspectives and respect them without compromising universal values. It also implies that social and political discourses transcend divisive forces and are based on foundational values even when there are differences of opinion. This would be the focus thus developing the ability to ‘discern and live a way of life that benefits self and others’. Materialism is unfortunately, the measure of ‘success’ for many in today’s world. There is an imperative need for a massive response to the complex challenges currently faced by humanity, suggesting a holistic educational approach at all levels – school, college, universities and life-long learning for citizens be one of the major strategies. This holistic education is aimed at developing
individuals who embody universal values such as compassion, equality and dignity, and manifest change in their communities, society and the world anchored in this foundation. Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive; and without them, equality and justice will not become a reality for people. Majority of the people are desperate for change. In every village, every city and every country there are people imagining a better future, working for a better tomorrow. The dream of a more just, more peaceful, more equitable world is the shared collective vision of billions of people. And yet, with so many people imagining and working towards social transformation the changes we see are largely fragmented, incremental.
The workshop/course on “Universal Ethics and Youth Leadership” is unique due to the following reasons: Using cutting-edge value-based approaches, new generation thinking, and actions based on neuroscience and psychology, transformative changes have been generated in different areas worldwide. This new paradigm has its core the promise of a just and equitable world for all. It draws upon the innate space of universal values within people (individuals and communities) to plan and implement strategic change and generate measurable results. It develops the capacity of individuals, groups and communities to look within themselves to source their inner potential and universal values to ensure that their actions enable justice and equity for all. It strengthens them to envision new patterns and leverages systemic and cultural change and economic and social transformation. It generates action to create and foster breakthrough initiatives generating measurable results. It fosters spaces for self-reflection and wise action. And it creates platforms for others to source their inner potential and universal values, embody and apply them for results while being able to hold multiple perspectives and worldviews simultaneously. It recognises that to be effective, there must be coherence between intelligence, action and results.
This workshop/course fosters critical thinking and an inquiring mind; embodied understanding through praxis to find solutions that are equitable and sustainable for issues that concern us as individuals and communities; and sources universal values for creating alternatives, solving problems and generating results. It strengthens us to envision new patterns and leverage systemic and cultural change as well as economic and social transformation. It generates action to create and foster breakthrough initiatives generating measurable results. It fosters spaces for self-reflection and wise
action; and creates platforms for others to source their inner potential and universal values, embody and apply them for results while being able to hold multiple perspectives and worldviews simultaneously. It recognises that to be effective, there must be coherence between universal values, intelligence, action and results. Integrates three essential components of learning for students to be effective change makers for tomorrow.
The workshop/course content consists of 5 broad units, namely sourcing my universal values; designing change based on universal values and ethics; leading with others; accountability and responsibility; and ethical leadership. The workshop/course will include 30 hours of classroom teaching and 60 hours of practice. Each session begins with reflections on new learning and practice, deepening of student insights and gaining sharpness and clarity. The tools taught through this workshop/course cover a wide range of skills, for example listening and speaking, ability to manage and transform conversations, ability to distinguish between fact from interpretation, judgment and discernment, principled outrage and destructive anger, accountability and responsibility, practice integrity, design for change and transformation and being an ethical leader. The workshop/course includes application and practice during the intersession, ensuring students to imbue what they learn in classroom and apply it to their daily life. This new paradigm promises a radically new approach by:
• Generating a new way to address the systems and cultural causes of poverty and depravation through action based on universal values and Universal ethics.
• Enabling us to grapple with issues of identity and to transcend divisive social forces.
• Seeing the invisible patterns that maintain status quo, making them visible and changing the
‘rules of the game’.
• Designing initiatives to make a difference based on universal values.
• Enhancing our capacity to understand the nature and patterns of power and domination, and transcend them, building one’s agency for responsible action.
• Transforming the notion of leadership and creating an environment that ensures justice and dignity for all.
This strategy will allow for a new generation to fundamentally change the way they see themselves: as people capable of making extraordinary and transformational change; turning apathy and despair into hope and effective action for local communities as well as thousands of people on the planet.
• To know myself, the universal values I stand for, and my identity; so that I transform and grow, as well as embrace diversity in others.
• To know how to manifest my full potential to generate and lead equitable and sustainable change.
• To recognize the invisible and interdependent patterns and structures that determine short- term and unsustainable development and generate new patterns that are sourced in inner potential and universal values and result in both immediate and long-term change.
• To be able to hold universal values in action while holding multiple perspectives.
• To understand the architecture for break-through initiatives that result in equitable and sustainable change by creating systems shifts and changing cultural norms at societal and community levels; and generating tangible and measurable results.
• To lead and steward transformational change by aligning our values and actions; by speaking up and speaking out responsibly on ethical matters.
• To reinvent personal success innovatively, integrating accountability and integrity; and manifesting the convergence of universal values, principles, purpose and practice.
• Unit 1 Knowing self and my universal values (8 hours)
• Unit 2 Designing change based on universal values and ethics (8 hours)
• Unit 3 Leading with others (6 hours)
• Unit 4 Accountability and responsibility (4 hours)
• Unit 5 Ethical Leadership (4 hours)
The course can be taken in workshop mode 2 sessions of 2 days each
The workshop design requires participants to accelerate their own transformative process. Participants will apply the tools and templates they learn in an ongoing project – a break-through initiative (BTI). They will build upon their ongoing work/projects that they deeply care about and wish to transform and explore work at scale and innovate.
• No lectures –but highly effective experiential and peer learning from insights and
• Space for cross-cultural, cross-sectoral conversations and mutual learning
• Immediate results through personal practice while setting foundation for the longer
• Immediate results in projects through the inter-session practice (coaching calls/zoom
calls) of the tools learnt in the programme.
The program consists of a series of 2 workshops. New templates and tools to enhance capacities are introduced in each session. In between each workshop, weekly sessions are held in small groups, where we share our practice and participants work alongside others from a variety of disciplines to build common language and practices so that we can work in synergy.
PLEASE NOTE: All participants must commit to participating in all days of each programme and in all the four days. Missing sessions or any day will result in not continuing further sessions/days and dropping out of the course/workshop. The program consists of a series of 2 sessions. New templates and tools to enhance capacities are introduced; and in interim weekly sessions, we practice these learnings and capacities in action. Participants work alongside others from a variety of disciplines to build common language and practices so that we can work in synergy.
Fill the form click here
Last date to apply: 16th August 2024
The course teachers from RTLWorks are offering their services pro bono, while INEB is contributing to the venue and food. There is no charge for attending the courses. However, if you wish to contribute to RTLWorks, you may do so at the end of the workshop.
Please feel free to contact us for any assistance at [email protected],
Glasika Mobile: +91 6260337629 (Phone, Signal, Telegram and Whatsapp)
The workshop/course has been designed by Dr. Monica Sharma Tata Chair Professor and retired Director of Leadership and Capacity Building United Nations. Her book “Radical Transformational Leadership” which has been described as a path-breaking classic by eminent scholars This book will not be useful for those who are satisfied with the world as it is today. This book is for people who have questions. The book is the winner of the 2017 Nautilus Gold Book Award for Business and Leadership. Past winners include Andrew Harvey, Deepak Chopra, Desmond Tutu, Eckhart Tolle, The
Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh.
Dr. Monica Sharma till 2019 was a Tata Chair Visiting Professor at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai. Trained as a physician and epidemiologist, Dr. Monica Sharma worked for the United Nations from 1988 to 2010. As director of Leadership and Capacity Development at the United Nations and in UNDP and UNICEF, she designed and facilitated implementation of programs for whole systems transformation and leadership development world-wide. Monica Sharma created a unique response to global issues based on extensive application –a conscious full-spectrum model-
which simultaneously solves problems, shifts systems and norms and creates new patterns sourced from individual inner capacity. This approach has generated sustainable results in different parts of the world.
In 2009, Monica Sharma received “The Spirit of the United Nations Award”, given to a person whose work is an expression of the core principles, spirit and vision on which the United Nations was founded.
Classes will be conducted by our Practitioner Coaches trained under Dr. Monica Sharma Glasika Verma cares deeply about humanity, joy and happiness. She currently works as program coordinator of RTLWorks. She is a member of the RTL Global Mental Health group. She trained to be an engineer and thereafter pursued professional social work counsellor training from the Tata Institute of Social sciences, Guwahati. She is an RTL Practitioner Coach and has been trained in using the RTL tools and templates and applies them in her work on promoting wellbeing in the school. She also works in the field of mental health and emotional learning (SEL) for school children. She works closely with marginalised communities to foster wellbeing and empathy.
Srilatha Juvva is a social work educator and Professor with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai. She is a practitioner coach, trained in Dr. Monica Sharma’s Radical Transformational Leadership and applies this to transform higher education and in-service delivery for mental health and disability. She uses these tools and templates also to transform disempowering narratives of mental health and disability through fostering dignity, full potential and ethical leadership in people. Sudarshan Rodriguez is the CEO at RTLWorks and has a wide range of expertise in environmental sciences, disaster management and livelihoods. He is a practitioner coach trained in the Conscious Full-Spectrum Response Model, a transformational leadership approach based on universal values and ethics developed and created by Dr. Monica Sharma. His passion to work for planetary and people’s well-being and vision for people’s development worldwide makes him stand out from the crowd.