INEB Newsletter | February 2025

30 Years of SEM and Community Resilience!

“On February 14, 2025, we gathered to commemorate the 30th anniversary of SEM. The theme of the event is ‘Community Resilience: The Enduring Stories Amidst the Storm… Until We Reach the Spring!’. This year, we are not only commemorating our commitment to supporting our kalayanamitr (good friends) and communities, but also honoring our collective resilience and solidarity in challenging and difficult times. As we also mark this milestone, four years have passed since the military coup in Myanmar…”

Read the full article

IYBP 2025
International Young Bodhisattva Program

IYBP is a transformative learning experience that aims to develop confidence, capacity, and commitment in young individuals for social and spiritual change.

This year the program takes place in Taiwan, Apply Now!
Learn more:

Child Protection Policy in Alternative Care Settings Forum

Organized by ECPAT Foundation Thailand on February 13–14, the event supported private alternative care shelters in reviewing and improving child protection policies in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The forum highlighted child protection measures for young monks and novices at Bodhiyalai Learning Center, ensuring their rights and well-being.

See more on GNRC’s Facebook

INEB Committee Update

The Committee Name Lists were updated during the Joint AC/EC Meeting, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, December 2, 2024 and include Spiritual Ancestors, Patrons, Honorary Advisors, Advisory Committee, and Executive Committee Name Lists. The photo above is from the First INEB AC/EC Meeting in Thailand, UThai-Tanee Province, 1989.

INEB Committee

Dear Sombath…from Shui Meng

My dearest Sombath,
Today, 17 February, marks your 73rd birthday. For the last 12 years, since your abduction in 2012, you have not celebrated your birthday at home with me and the rest of the family… (continue reading)

The INEB Institute for Buddhist Chaplaincy

The INEB Institute for Buddhist Chaplaincy (IBCC) is a cooperative, network organization that supports Buddhist chaplaincy training programs specifically in Southeast and South Asia.

Visit the Website

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