Gandhi saw nonviolence as the instrument of the strong. This realization has come to me after many years of working with the most marginalized communities in India. It is for this reason we have developed the Four-Fold Approach to Peacebuilding.
It could be summed up that “Pracha” lived the life of a social revolutionary who never hesitated to devote his whole life to his dream causes.
Dear friends of INEB, This is the first issue of Seeds of Peace for 2023 and along with it we send our best wishes for a healthy and prosperous New Year!
Written by Settanant Thanakitkoses On April 9th, 2023, Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal, a Thai activist, currently known as themonastic name Phra Jaranasampanno,
This is a brief response to articles that have argued ethnocentric and/or nationalist Buddhism could be a part of Engaged Buddhism. Sallie B. King argues that this is not possible. Secondarily, she takes up the question of the “oneness” of Engaged Buddhism.
Literally the name ‘Vajradhara’ means ‘Bearer of the Diamond or Thunderbolt’. According to an ancient text, the Khasama-tantra,