Seeds of Peace Vol.31 No.3 Sep.-Dec. (2015)

Looking back over the recent period, there are three things I want to highlight here. The first is the very successful conference of the ICE Network (Inter-religious Climate and Ecology Network) in South Korea last April. The INEB staff and I want to express our admiration and appreciation for the outstanding efforts of the Korean team and their coordinator, Junghee.

Thanks for all your hard work in making this a meaningful conference! In this edition of Seeds of Peace you will find numerous articles describing and reflecting on various activities that were part of this conference or related to it. Following the conference, and in light of the powerful initiatives of Pope Francis on climate change, there has been some discussion of working to unify Buddhist efforts on climate change at the international level via something like a Buddhist Climate Action Network (BCAN). We see the possibility of such a higher level network as a chance for ICE and INEB to link with other existing Buddhist networks and organizations already working on climate change.


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