Seeds of Peace Vol.18 No.3 Sept.-Dec. (2002)

Looking back, May 2002 marks the 10% anniversary of the bloody May tragedy in Siam, in which civilians protested and demonstrated against the military junta, the National Peacekeeping Council, which had illegally toppled the incumbent government-hence the cover of this issue. The violence that ensued and the subsequent intervention of the king compelled the military junta to step down. Many of the fallen protestors remained unaccounted for-listed as ‘disappeared’.

The May tragedy serves as another political signpost as Thais travel down the unending road of meaningful democracy. .: September 2002 is also the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States. It should be a solemn occasion to commemorate the fallen on both sides-the World Trade Center and Pentagon victims as well as those of the US-led intervention in Afghanistan. Peace and innocent civilians are the real victims of international terrorism and the war against terrorism.


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