Arigatou International visits Mae Sot

Arigatou International at INEB

Fred Nyabera, Director of Arigatou International’s Interfaith Initiative to Eradicate Child Poverty, alongside Hesha Perera, Manager of the End Child Poverty Knowledge Centre, journeyed to Mae Sot and Bangkok, Thailand, from April 6th to 10th. This trip was specifically aimed at assessing the situation of displaced children from Myanmar, following an invitation from the International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB) and the Spirit in Education Movement (SEM). Their hosts and guides throughout the visit were Opor Srisuwan from INEB and Nonglak Kaeophokha from SEM. During their stay in Mae Sot over three days, they engaged with various stakeholders and potential collaborators, including Smile-lay Club, Compasio, Beam Foundation, Help Without Frontiers Migrants, and Rights Beyond Borders. Additionally, they explored religious landmarks such as Thai Wattanaram Temple, Don Kaew Temple, and a local mosque. Fred Nyabera wrote in a post on his Facebook:

“Just wrapped up an unforgettable journey in Thailand, filled with enriching experiences and impactful connections! Our visit to Mae Sot and Bangkok was nothing short of extraordinary, thanks to the warm hospitality of our incredible friends and partners. From exploring temples to reflecting on the needs of children on the move at the Thailand-Myanmar border, every moment was filled with meaning and purpose. A huge thank you to INEB and SEM for hosting us and to everyone who made this trip possible. Together, we’re making a difference!”

Their itinerary also included visits to significant locations such as the Friendship Bridge, Mei River Market near the Thailand-Myanmar border, and the Borderline Shop. The visit culminated in a debriefing session held at the INEB Headquarters in Bangkok. This immersive experience provided them with valuable insights into Mae Sot’s and Thailand’s cultural landscape.

For further information about Arigatou International please visit their website

Thai Wattanaram Temple in Mae Sot, Thailand
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