Seeds of Peace Vol. 40 No.1

Seeds of Peace Vol 40 No. 1

Dear Friends of INEB,

The first issue for 2024 celebrates Seeds of Peace’s 40 year anniversary! The term ‘Seeds of Peace’ was given by Thích Nhất Hạnh in the 1970s. The Seeds of Peace was initially published by the Buddhist Association of Thailand as a supplement to its annual Visakha Puja. Later, when the Thai Inter Religious Commission for Development was formed in 1979, it began publishing its newsletters in 1983. Currently, the Seeds of Peace is published by the Bangkok-based International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB). Its name has been preserved over time, and as quoted in the first issue from 1985 – “It must have peace [as] its aim and its means. And in this violent world, the more we sow the seeds of peace, the better it is to lessen suffering and to build harmony, reconciliation, and happiness.” We celebrate that the Seeds of Peace has consistently honored its aim throughout the years.

From its beginning, the SOP has reached a wide readership around the world and now is available on INEB’s website where all the issues can be accessed. This issue’s cover image of the clasped hands is a paper mâché’ sculpture made of past issues into a three dimensional piece of art that symbolizes its vision over time. Please read Dexter Cohen Bohn’s article titled Sculptures of Peace to learn more.

This issue includes several of INEB’s program activities, particularly as described by our close friend

Doreen Wang in her article How to be a Buddysattva which is a reflection about the recent international young Bodhisattva program held in Taiwan. INEB staff and good friend Anchalee Kurutach has shared the culmination of the Network for Peace project in its partners’ reflection meeting. Also, please read about the release of The Little Buddha a report about the research project that explored child protection across Southeast Asia which was coordinated by INEB staff member Opor Srisuwan.

Several articles may peak your interest including a look back at why Chinese arts appear on most royal temples in old Bangkok. On another note, our dear friend Jane Rasbash remembers Pracha Hutanuwatr. Jennifer Yo describes the Kumarajiva Project’s progress translating essential Buddhist texts from Tibetan into Chinese during her interview in Aspiration is King. Other articles include the 33rd Jungto pilgrimage of 500 practitioners across India and Nepal. Please read the timely article on sustainable development by one of the original contributors to Seeds of Peace, Uthai Dulyakasem.

We honor the passing of several very close friends whose vision and inspiration have guided us for decades. Johan Galtung (1930-2024) from Norway contributed to peacebuilding around the world and developed significant concepts such as structural violence which deepened the understanding of hierarchy and power relations when analyzing peace processes. Dr. A. T. Ariyaratne (1931-2024) Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement founder and Buddhist leader from Sri Lanka has been the beacon for sustainable rural development since the late 1950s. His community-based grassroots model has been tested during challenging times, yet continues today. Other friends who recently passed away include Ven. Samana Bhodirak, Lama Doboom Tulku and Diasaku Ikeda.

There is much more in this issue including book reviews, letters from friends. We thank you for your ongoing support.

Lastly, we ask you to save the dates for the next international INEB conference scheduled for November 28 until December 3, 2024, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The conference theme is Buddhist Heritage Towards Inclusive Societies.

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